

The beneficial impact of olive oil on our health has long been recorded from several ancient practitioners, including Dioskourous, Dioklis and the father of modern medicine Hippocrates (picture). In present days, doctors and nutritionists suggest that especially extra virgin olive oil (evoo) carries a large number of properties that greatly contribute to the smooth functioning of the human body. Several renowned and most-respected scientific studies (e.g. 7-Country study, Predimed, Eurolive) indicate the superiority of diet models characterized by a high intake of olive oil over diet models promoting the consumption of alternative vegetable oils and animal fats. The most popular of those researching projects, ‘The 7-Country Study’, concluded that the Cretan diet model that includes an annual olive oil consumption of approximately 20-25kg, resulted in the lowest rates of death from coronary diseases, from a number of alternative diet models prevailing in regions both inside (Italy, Corfu) and outside (Japan, Finland, U.S and others) the Mediterranean basin. Olive oil’s theraupetical and biological value is inextricably related to its chemical composure. Characterized by a remarkably rich content in vitamins, antioxidants, monounsaturated fatty acids, natural fibers and micronutrients, extra virgin olive oil (evoo) is synonymous of longevity, prosperity and beauty.


Why Extra Virgin Olive Oil is The Healthiest Fat on Earth
Why Extra Virgin Olive Oil is The Healthiest Fat on Earth
Role of Olive Oil in Reducing Oxidative Stress
Role of Olive Oil in Reducing Oxidative Stress
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