Tasting an olive oil, although not a particularly complex procedure, requires a certain degree of experience and familiarity with the basic properties of a good extra virgin olive oil (EVOO). So, you need to be patient in order to get to a level where you will be able discover the rich flavours and aromas of an extra virgin olive oil or, sadly, detect its defects. Keep in mind that olive oil tasting experts go through numerous seminars and years of training before mastering the relevant knowledge.
For a complete tasting experience you are going to need some good labels of extra virgin olive oil and a glass (picture) with a wide bottom and sides that get narrower on their way up. This particular shape of the glass is crucial for the clear perception of the oil’s aromas. To the procedure, pour a small quantity of olive oil into the glass and hold it for 30 seconds with your palm embracing the bottom of the glass. This is necessary in order to warm up the olive oil. Following, cover the glass with your other palm and start moving the glass with delicate circular movements trying to cover as much of the inner surface of the glass as possible in oil. This helps the oil to release all its volatile substances that cumulatively form its aromas. After 1 minute bring the glass under your nose and uncover its top. Inhale at a medium intensity for approximately 2 seconds. You may repeat if you wish but only after 10 seconds, in order to provide your nasal receptors with the necessary time to recover from the first stimulus. Spend some time appreciating the aromas and memorize them as much as you can.
Now it is time to taste the olive oil. Take a sip (3ml) of the olive oil from the glass but DO NOT swallow. Bring it to the tip of your tongue. Close your teeth and place your tongue against the back of your front teeth. With your lips half-open inhale quickly 3 times using your diaphragm muscles and trying to spread the oil all over your oral cavity. At this point, make sure to cover with olive oil the area above the back of your tongue and towards the base of your velum. That detail helps the taster to track down the “bitter” and the “pungent” in the olive oil without mixing them. Next, close your mouth and swallow the oil to complete the tasting experience. Again, spend a few seconds trying to realize the flavours you have detected. Memorize them as much as you can. Try again after 15-60 seconds. In case of multiple samples, before turning to a different olive oil make sure to have some bread or, even better, a slice of apple that will help you cleanse your palate.
To boost your experience and get a better perception of the properties of extra virgin olive oil (EVOO), we highly recommend including in your test more than one sample, preferably of different origins, let’s say, our Nostos Premium Extra Virgin along with reputable representatives of the Spanish and the Italian olive grove.